ViviaFi: Mobile Device Usage

Last Update – 04/12/2024

By accepting our Terms of Use, you provide your express consent so that Company, agents, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees and any contractors or related parties contact You at any phone number and/or email address You provide at any time, for any lawful purpose.  We may contact You in the following ways:

  1. live operator
  2. automatic telephone dialing system (auto-dialer)
  3. prerecorded and artificial voice message
  4. email

By providing your phone number and opting in, you confirm that you posses its ownership rights. If You provide a phone number for which You are not the owner, You confirm You are authorized to provide that number.

If You provide telephone number(s) for which You are not the subscriber, or fail to notify Us when You cease to be the subscriber for a telephone number You previously gave Us, You agree to indemnify Us, Our subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, servicers, contractors and other partners and employees for any costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, incurred as a result of Us contacting or attempting to contact You at the number(s).  Your obligation under this paragraph shall survive termination of this Terms of Use.

You may revoke Your authorization for most communications except the ones legally required.  To revoke communication please write to us and include:

  1. include Your name, mailing address and Your account number,
  2. specify whether You are changing Your preferences regarding mail, telephone calls and/or emails,
  3. provide the specific phone number(s) and/or email address for which You are requesting communications to cease, and
  4. send this written notice to 40 east main St., Suite 147, Newark, DE, 19711.

We will not use autodialed or prerecorded calls to contact You for marketing purposes unless You provide us with prior express written consent. If You have provided such consent to receive marketing communications, You agree that (i) Company, (ii) Company’s subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, servicers, contractors, other partners and employees, representatives, or anyone calling or texting on Company’s behalf, may use autodialed or prerecorded phone calls to contact You at the number(s) You provide for the purpose of describing goods and services that may be of interest to You, whether offered by Company or third parties. If provided, Your consent will be effective even if the number(s) You have provided is registered on any state or federal Do Not Call list. This consent for telemarketing communications shall remain in effect until You withdraw it. Your consent to receive marketing communications is not a condition of obtaining a loan and may be withdrawn at any time by providing written notice to Company, at 40 east main St., Suite 147, Newark, DE, 19711, or by e-mailing

These telephone calls may incur, data and access fees from Your telephone provider, and You agree to pay any fee(s) or charge(s) that You may incur for incoming communications from Us or outgoing communications to Us, to or from any such number(s) or email address, without reimbursement from Us.

© ViviaFi 2024. All Rights Reserved.

-ViviaFi is not a lender in all states. ViviaFi uses various credit reports, data sources, and application information as part of their underwriting. Not all applications are approved. Approval and loan terms vary based on applicant qualifications and by state. Decision may take longer if additional verification or documents are required.

†Applications approved before 1:30 p.m. CT Monday-Friday are generally funded same business day, subject to your bank's processing times. Applications approved other times are generally funded the next business day. Some applications may require additional verification. In such cases, if approved, funds will be disbursed by the following business day after the additional verifications are complete.